The Nunawading Basketball Centre hold a limited alcohol license.
Alcohol may be served within the confines of the Hall of Fame Room and Conference Room (approved Red-Line Areas) at the following times:
Saturday 5pm – 12am
Sunday 12pm – 6pm - BLOOD RULE
It is the responsibility of the player or team with blood spillage to clean the area concerned.
Play must stop until all the blood on the ground or equipment is cleaned up.
Cleaning solution and rubber gloves are available from the canteen, plus paper towels to mop up – solution should be left on 5 minutes before mopping up. If the match ball has blood on it, it is the responsibility of the referee to initiate the cleaning of the ball and/or the exchange for a non-contaminated ball from the ticket box.
Gloves and cleaning solution MUST always be used, followed by paper towels to mop up – all available from the canteen. Items are stored in the canteen near the phone.
Please be aware that the Centre does NOT have a First Aid person available in case of injuries.
The Referee Supervisor, Ticket box staff and Canteen staff are CPR trained only.
Ice packs are available for injuries from the canteen.
First Aid Kit for emergency items are available – please ask the venue supervisor. - HEAT
Duty of care Melbourne East Basketball Association Domestic Competition incorporate heat rules as follows:
Junior Competition: Junior Competition: Lorraine Baxter (Junior Competition Manager) is solely responsible for making the decision to implement heat policy when the court temperature exceeds 32 degrees, or 30-32 degrees and more than 50% humidity at Nunawading Stadium.
The implementation of the heat policy will be across ALL VENUES regardless of the temperature at each individual venue and will be effective from the start of the first game implemented through to the end of the last game of the day.
Games are abandoned when the court temperature reaches 38 degrees AT THAT venue only. Lorraine Baxter (Competition Manager) must be contacted by the venue supervisor prior to games being abandoned.
Senior Competition: Each venue supervisor to make a decision to implement heat policy when the court temperature exceeds 32 degrees, or 30-32 degrees and more than 50% humidity at that venue.
Games abandoned when the court temperature reaches 38 degrees at that venue. Heat rules or abandonment of games will be applied across to each venue independently.
Effective from the start of each match where the above temperature and/or humidity is above the requirements for heat rules. In Senior Competition only, heat rules can be removed if the court temperatures and/or humidity drop below the required levels for heat rules.
Heat Timing Rules
- 4 x 8 minute quarters will be played
- 1 time out per team per half
- The clock does not stop during these timeouts
- 1 minute break at quarter (¼) and three quarter (¾ ) time
- 2 minute break at half time
- Team fouls remain calculated per half
- No time outs in the last 2 minutes of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters
- Clock stops on all whistles in the last 2 minutes of the fourth 4th quarter
a. If a game is abandoned before it commences or before or at half time the match will be counted as a 2-2 draw.
b. If a game is abandoned after half time, the match score stands as a final result.
NOTE: The Thermometer must be situated at the score table at all times for temperature reading purposes
Be smart! Beat the heat!
- Drink plenty of water before, during and after playing sport.
- Be sure to warm up before and cool down after exercise
- Place yourself during the game
- Call substitutions frequently throughout the game
The Melbourne East Basketball Association recognises the social and health benefits associated with being a part of the basketball community. Melbourne East Basketball Association is committed to eliminating discrimination in all forms and upholds the principle of equal opportunity. Melbourne East Basketball Association believes that the sport of basketball should be accessible to all Victorians.
To ensure that Melbourne East Basketball Association is welcoming and inclusive, the association will uphold the principles established in both State and Commonwealth Government legislation including:
– Equal Opportunity Act 1995 (Vic);
– Racial Discrimination Act 1976 (Cwlth);
– Sex Discrimination Act 1894 (Cwlth);
– Disability Discrimination Act (Cwlth); and
– Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1987 (Cwlth).Such principles are also outlined in Basketball Victoria’s Member Protection By-laws. A process or resource will be provided should an individual of the association have his or her rights violated.
Discrimination means treating someone unfairly because they happen to belong to a particular group of people – such as female, male, ethnic or have a disability.Discrimination is often the result of prejudice or negative stereotyping based on ignorance, fear or simple naivety.
Basketball provides a focused approach to engaging Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) and Indigenous people into the sport of basketball.
This includes the development and implementation of inclusion plans, policies and specific basketball programs catering for groups within the community.
Basketball aims to incorporate these initiatives into all areas of the organisation.
For further information in regards to Basketball Victoria’s Multicultural & Indigenous Program, please contact Basketball Victoria on 9837 8000 or enquiries@basketballvictoria.com.au. - INJURY PREVENTION
Melbourne East Basketball Association recognises the importance of injury prevention in protecting the health and safety of all athletes, coaches, officials and spectators, as well as others involved in the sport. Protection from sports injuries cannot be guaranteed but there are several strategies that the Melbourne East Basketball Association will enforce to minimise the risk of injury and increase the enjoyment of participation in basketball.
General Actions
The Melbourne East Basketball Association is committed to actively implementing practices and strategies to reduce the risk of injury through:
– Making first aid equipment available, including ice packs;
– Encouraging coaches, officials and members to undertake first aid and injury prevention training courses;
– Encouraging warm up and cool down activities among athletes and referees at training sessions and competitions;
– Providing water and water refills for free;
– Encouraging the use of injury prevention equipment if required (e.g. strapping tape, mouthguards); and
– Providing Association officials with towels for wiping up sweat or water spills on the court.Injury Prevention Strategies
– Display pictures and information about warm up and cool down activities;
– When possible, have a person qualified in first aid present; and
– Provide injury prevention and first aid training courses.Other Relevant Melbourne East Basketball Association policies and procedures
– First Aid Policy and Procedures;
– Blood Handling Policy and Procedures;
– Pregnancy Participation Policy and Procedures;
– Hazard Policy and Procedures; and
– Emergency Policy and Procedures.Policy Application
This policy applies to all Melbourne East Basketball Association players, officials and coaches taking part in the sport of basketball. - INSURANCE
Nunawading Basketball Centre in conjunction with Basketball Victoria use V-Insurance Group for insurance claims.
Once you have obtained a signed insurance claim form from Nunawading Basketball Centre, all claims will need to be sent directly to the V-Insurance Sydney office at the following address:
Corporate Services Network
GPO Box 4276
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone (02) 8256 1770
Fax (02) 8256 1775
Email claims@csnet.com.au
To obtain an injury claim form please call the Nunawading Basketball Centre on (03) 9802 6711.
For any queries about what you are eligible to be covered for should an injury occur please contact the V-Insurance Group office as they will be able to provide the most information regarding this.
Phone (02) 8599 8660 or local call cost only 1300 945 547
Email: basketball@vinsurancegroup.com - OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY
Melbourne East Basketball Association recognises it’s moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for employees, contractors, customers and visitors.
Values and Objectives
Melbourne East Basketball Association recognizes that safety is an integral part of our operations.Occupational Health and Safety considerations are not to be compromised by other business objectives. The safety of our employees, contractors, customers and visitors is of the utmost importance.
Our reputation and viability depend upon our ability to manage our operations safely.
Melbourne East Basketball’s approach to safety is based upon consultation, learning and continual improvement. Our objectives are to;
– – Provide a safe workplace and safe systems of work.
– – Promote the active identification, assessment and control of workplace risk.
– – Ensure compliance with legislation, contractual requirement and current industry standards.
– – Be an industry leader in occupational health and safety
– – Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to employees, contractors and customers to ensure their safety. This includes ensuring that they understand that they must adhere to Melbourne East Basketball’s policy, procedures, safety rules and safe work methods
– – Provide a structured Injury Management and Rehabilitation program to injured employees to assist rehabilitation and return to work
– – Ensuring that all work activities are carried out by competent, suitably trained people
– – Systematically audit and continuously improve OH&S performanceResponsibilities
Health and Safety responsibility and accountability rests with every employee.Management is responsible for:
– – The provision and maintenance of the workplace in a safe condition for employees, contractors, customers and visitors
– – Involvement in the development, promotion and implementation of health, safety and environmental policies and procedures
– – Training employees in the safe performance of their assigned tasks
– – The provision of resources to meet the health and safety commitmentEmployees are to:
– – Follow all health and safety policies and procedures
– – Report all known or observed hazards to their immediate supervisor or manager
– – Report immediately any work related injury to managementApplication of the policy
This policy is applicable to all Melbourne East Basketball operations and functions including those that may take place off-site (e.g. outside venues).Consultation
Melbourne East Basketball is committed to consultation and cooperation between management and employees. Melbourne East Basketball encourages consultation with any employee that can positively affect the safety of the workplace for any employee, contractors, customers and visitors. - PHOTOGRAPHY
At Melbourne East Basketball Association privacy is a priority. MEBA does not give out personal information about participants involved in basketball except as mentioned below, and personal information is protected. In this privacy policy the expression “personal information” is used to refer to information about an individual whose identity is apparent or can be reasonably ascertained from the information or opinion. MEBA recognises the rights of basketball participants to control their personal information. MEBA does not collect personal information, except when it is knowingly provided by basketball participants.
Information Collection
MEBA collects personal information to enable it or third parties to provide services and benefits, maintain necessary records and to provide necessary information.Information Use and Disclosure MEBA uses and discloses personal information (such as name and address details) for the purpose of providing services to participants in basketball or for commercial purposes where MEBA has obtained consent to do so. Such commercial purposes may include the sale of mailing lists by MEBA to third party mailing houses, or the disclosure of personal information to MEBA sponsors under sponsorship agreements. MEBA also uses and discloses personal information to Basketball Victoria, the Australian Sports Commission or other similar body where it is required under MEBA’s obligations to those bodies.
MEBA will not disclose personal information to other persons without consent unless such disclosure is authorised or required by law or to publish details of hearings of the Tribunal, Ethics Committee and other bodies, or for such things as results of matches, selection to teams and other similar basketball related activity.
Photographs taken at MEBA or other basketball events may be published by MEBA but names or other identification of the persons in the photographs will not be published without consent unless the person is a known public figure.
Data Security
When it collects personal information, MEBA takes reasonable steps to keep that information secure and to protect that personal information from misuse or loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. When using the website you should be aware that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Although MEBA strives to protect such information, MEBA does not warrant the security of any information transmitted to it over the Internet and you do so at your own risk.Access, Corrections and Further Information
If any person wishes to review or make corrections to their personal information, they may do so at any time, by contacting Nunawading Basketball Centre during normal business hours. - SMOKE FREE
Smoking is not permitted within 5 metres of the building.