Chia sẻ bài viết này

The Nunawading Spectres Junior Program will begin its preparations tonight on the back of a highly competitive tryout process. Following a multi-phase selection schedule, the Spectres teams will come together for team training sessions tonight ahead of scheduled practise games against the Hawthorn Magic Sunday.

Full training schedule;

  Friday 18th October (Training)
  Tây Bắc Tây Bắc Tây Bắc Tây Bắc Tây Bắc
06:45 chiều - 07:45 tối G12 G12 B12 B12 B12
07:45 tối - 08:45 tối G14 G14 B14 B14 B14
08:45 tối - 09:45 tối G16 G16 B16 B16 B16
09:45 chiều - 10:45 tối G18 G18 B18 B18 B18



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